Do you own an auto repair shop? Then read on, as this is for you. Are you searching for auto repair equipment you can rely on? Equipment that won’t let you and your workers down. Equipment to ensure you can accomplish your daily tasks in the shop? Affiliated Financial Services is the benchmark for equipment financing of all kinds, including auto repair shop equipment. Our experts can help you get the machines you need and the best possible financing solution. Find out about the types of financing available to you for your next piece of equipment. And how you can get approval within a day of your request, all with Affiliated Financial Services, the ideal partner for financing your auto repair shop equipment.
As a brokerage firm with many years of equipment financing experience, we will be able to analyze your situation and propose the most advantageous financing solution adapted not only to your needs, but also to your financial reality. Whether you’re a start-up, growing business, or restructuring, our team can study different financing options with you such as leasing, equipment refinancing or business loans. You will be able to determine together the best plan for your business, its growth, and all according to your goals.
Whatever your current situation, we will guide you through the process and propose the best financing solution to get you the auto repair equipment you need.
As an owner of a mechanic’s shop, you know the importance of having the right equipment to perform all the different work you and your team are called on to carry out. But equipping yourself with the right tools and machines becomes expensive fast. That’s why equipment financing is an ideal solution: it allows you to acquire the latest equipment and technologies you need to carry out your business activities. Not sure what type of equipment or work tool your garage needs the most? To help you make an informed decision, consult the list of auto repair equipment below, all available through financing with Affiliated Financial Services:
While this list is not exhaustive, it gives you an idea of the equipment you could get in less than 24 hours with Affiliated Financial Services. Have a specific idea in mind? Don’t hesitate to contact our team!
When you deal with the team of professionals at Affiliated Financial Services, you are assured excellent customer service and a team that works non-stop to find you the best possible financing. We have built relationships with all the major financial institutions for many years, which means we can negotiate financing that meets your expectations and helps you take your business to the next level. Don’t wait any longer and contact a member of our team now to start the process and get your next piece of auto shop equipment fast!